
Mystery memo

6.23:starting from before 9pn ladt night, 2:00am, still talking at dinnIng table, with a young man in Japsnese, about sellung stock st hand or not. ai stock hold etc. high pitch voice. until after 3am 6.20: heard low voice in the bed room, sround 5:40am.Didn'tstop around 7am. Sound like Japanese 6.12:1:20am overheard "should i stop? i love you"? 6.5:not back in the morning, around 7 6.4: out from morning, before 10. back at around 7:0pm, took somethIng, then went out righT away by car. One extra pair of shoes are put at the entrence probably trYIng to indicate stayIng at.home. The bed room door iS closed, usually closed before leavIng meabs not returnIng back for the night. 2024.6.2 Not back, but showed up at around 4:30am for a while, then gone. No car, no change of shoes


excessive interference of child’s life. monitor all aspects, criticize only based on own opinios, which many times can be biased, lack of science proof, misunderstanding. The more efforts, the stronger believings in having more or any rughts about the child. over confident. always belief being "right", kowning everything  well. own opinion must be agreed upon, and different opinion not tolerated. "picky" about everything, anybody all the time. Always being condescending to others, including own chikd and mother. Lack respect to people who are considered "inferior", e.g. of less reduction, of "inferior" occupation. poor considerations for other people‘s feelings and way of thinking. The worse is to accuse others with hurtIng words when agreement or acknowledgement cannot be achieved. Self harsh words can always be justified, but nit othet people‘s. lack of self management. even acknowledges irregular rest time, alcohol consumption, overweight, dis

Expenses memo

Furniture for the new home, about 2 million. washing machine about 350k Car insurance about 50k per year. Until the graduation from medical school. Realty tax, about 400k per year? Untill child's graduation from medical school  Entrance fee for child's medical school, about 3 million. Tuition fee for the last year of medical school , about 3 million? Living expenses for the last year of medical school, 1million Electric bills, 20 to 50k per month  Internet&phone, about 8k per month Lent about 4 million to the sister  All kinds of expenses for the 1year stay of the patient and the son in Boston. Two bicycles of at at least a few hundred dollar, internet, newspaper subscription, all kinds of shopping etc. Monthly total were usually over 500k yen. gasoline fees fort he and sometimes highway tolls for.the patient’s car 30k for child’s Oiwayi money for friend’s new born baby (2024,5) mil plane teket 60k Setagaya pay deposit? 30k washing machine, over 300k property life insurance

New episodes

Things happened on the 2nd day of a supposedly happy family reunion trip. The first day and night, the following morning were all.good and happy. Things went wrong unexpectedly during a supposedly happy shopping hour. The patient suddenly got mad at the child, because the child baught one goods for the other spause at a shopping mall, before buying one for the patient. Although the child already had offered to pay for other purchase which were for the patient. The patient ran away without being noticed, from the family. The child called and  begged the patient to come back, loudly among the customers in the same mall. The child painfully tried to apologize, explaining about the previous offer for the patient. After some dozens of miserable minutes, the child finally managed to locate the patient, and luckily was able to calm the patient down. After being able to have calm conversation with the patient, the child silenly wiped uncontrolable tears. Two nights later, at night the patient

Self-centered and lack of consideration

The patient arranged a group gathering,  specified location and an "about" time. When realizing that the patient's other activity ends well before the gathering's scheduled time, the patient decided to change the time 1 hour early. The reason is the other invited member's schedule should have have ended by that time and can arrive at the designated location. It sounded like a considerate thought.  But soon it's found out that the invited member's schedule end 1 hour before the original time. This still doesn't not bring too much co cer to the patient,  because the invited member is close to the location.  However member of the patient pointed out that if people are told to follow a schedule,  they have arranged their activities accordingly,  so that changes are not really welcomed.  At this different and "against " opinion,  the patient must have felt challenged and was not happy. Irrigated, "Why question my proposal? Ther is nothing wro

More episodes, more worries

 This time, two continuous episodes, over 2 days(nights). 1st one starting from midnight, probable around 24, lasted until at least 9am, until the victim simple gave up to whatever the patient says. The patient then are satisfied temporarily, started preparing lunch, with the victim. There are some normal conversations during the preparation and the lunch. Then all went to sleep, in the afternoon! After dinner, sometime around midnight, the 2nd episode started again. This time, more or less similar accusations, attacks are repeated to victim. Similarly, shouting, yelling with anger, accusation, personal attacks are repeated, many times based on imaginary scenario. Typically, related person are nasty to the patient, tries to ruin the relationship between victim and patient, even through exchange of eye contact. Around 1:00am, patient started crying, the later stage of an episode at last. In  later hours, probably around 2:00am, probably frustrated from seeing no exit, patient started th