Mystery memo

6.23:starting from before 9pn ladt night, 2:00am, still talking at dinnIng table, with a young man in Japsnese, about sellung stock st hand or not. ai stock hold etc. high pitch voice. until after 3am
6.20: heard low voice in the bed room, sround 5:40am.Didn'tstop around 7am. Sound like Japanese
6.12:1:20am overheard "should i stop? i love you"?
6.5:not back in the morning, around 7
6.4: out from morning, before 10. back at around 7:0pm, took somethIng, then went out righT away by car. One extra pair of shoes are put at the entrence probably trYIng to indicate stayIng at.home. The bed room door iS closed, usually closed before leavIng meabs not returnIng back for the night.
2024.6.2 Not back, but showed up at around 4:30am for a while, then gone. No car, no change of shoes


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