
excessive interference of child’s life. monitor all aspects, criticize only based on own opinios, which many times can be biased, lack of science proof, misunderstanding. The more efforts, the stronger believings in having more or any rughts about the child.

over confident. always belief being "right", kowning everything  well. own opinion must be agreed upon, and different opinion not tolerated.

"picky" about everything, anybody all the time. Always being condescending to others, including own chikd and mother.

Lack respect to people who are considered "inferior", e.g. of less reduction, of "inferior" occupation.

poor considerations for other people‘s feelings and way of thinking. The worse is to accuse others with hurtIng words when agreement or acknowledgement cannot be achieved. Self harsh words can always be justified, but nit othet people‘s.

lack of self management. even acknowledges irregular rest time, alcohol consumption, overweight, dislike of exercise.

lack of life management. excessive purchase of goods. manay purchases are because of cheaper prices, instead of real necessity. the result is waste, leaving e.g. many unused and out dated cooking materials, barely touched clothes, bags, shoes etc. there are walking machine, exercise bicycle, rowing machine in the house. All barely used. Others like balance ball, trampoline goods, smalk step machine, vibration board  are also sitting somewhete. There are also many suppliments, herbs, protein, spicies and cooking materials, many used only a little, ornot at all.

obsession in hobbies. once decided to love wine, started to buy all kindS if wines and related good. Also read some materials related to wine, then start to consider self as a wine master, trying to educate others about winw, wine tasting, showing othets self knowledge about wine. Later on, switchec to whisky, which has as wider range and variety as wine, but costs more. For many months, the whisky collection rapidly grow up to more than 100 bottles of various prices. Many are dozens of thousand yens.
When in caring mood, tends to buy for the subject things considered.good or needed by the subject (sometimes a few of similar kinds), but some not really not really the subject has been longing for, or in desperate need. Some are even what the sunject really likes.


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